Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hey all

Just a quick note to say why I've been gone forever... I was in a car accident last month... 10 days after my 28th birthday... way to start things off eh? Anyhoo, I was rear-ended. It wasn't good. I drive a tank basically. So instead of the car absorbing the impact - I did... Yay me... So I've been in and outta hospitals and doctors offices for the last few weeks and it's not been fun. So yeah there ya have it... I'm also in the process of unpacking all my stuff (NOT FUN) cause I finally moved in to my new diggs... WHOOT WHOOT!!! But I've gotta take it really really easy cause I can't lift more than like 5 lbs at a time. It sucks. Anyhoo I gotta get back to work. L8rs!


lishalou said...

HI Michelle, It's been forever, will you invite me to your personal blog? I don't use the yahoo addy anymore. Do you have my gmail one?

vine street said...


you may not remember me...but I wanted to say hello. I saw you on Amy's blog, and thought, what a coincidence. Amy was my mission companion in Paraguay. Anyway, I'm the Kristen who lived in Bingham house during 2000...Byron Erath....that probably rings a bell!

Well anyway, you have an adorable family. I wanted to say hello for old times' sake!!

P.S. Me and my family live in Nebraska right now.

vine street said...

Oops, forgot to say that Kristen Allred was my name, now it's Ridge.